GLOBAL SUPPLY DISRUPTION: We are one of the largest stocking dealers in the country. When we show a product is IN STOCK, we really mean it! If your item is not listed (chances are we have it) or your desired quantity is not showing as available or if you place an order and you find the quantity is restricted to quantity 1, please contact us. For out of stock products, please contact us to get on the wait list and secure your place in line as we re-stock regularly.

Motorola Pricing

Motorola Two-Way Radio Advertising Policy

North Georgia Communications Pricing

Why can’t I see pricing?

Motorola has implemented several policies regarding the publishing of pricing information with respect to the Professional Series and Commercial Series Portfolios of Products.

INTERNET PRICE ADVERTISING (IPA) POLICY for the Professional Series of the Motorola Solutions Portfolio of Products

MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE (MAP) POLICY for the Commercial Series of the Motorola Solutions Portfolio of Products

See below for details on each of these policies.

Motorola Solutions INTERNET PRICE ADVERTISING (IPA) POLICY for the Professional Series Portfolio of Products


Because Motorola Solutions seeks to encourage active direct and personal selling and outreach efforts by their Channel Partners / Dealers to potential customers, and because Motorola Solutions seeks to foster a direct relationship between their Channel Partners / Dealers and their customers in order to promote better solution development, product support, and overall customer satisfaction with Motorola products and distribution of those products, all of which are more difficult in distant internet based transactions with customers with no previous relationship with a Channel Partner / Dealer, and as such Channel Partners / Dealers may only use certain advertising and selling methods in reselling the products over the internet.

Selling and advertising of the Professional Series of products over the internet is only permitted by Motorola Solutions as follows:

Channel Partners / Dealers will be allowed to use the internet or other electronic media as a means for advertising and promotion of the products electronically so long as the Channel Partner / Dealer displays the products and features along with a statement that customers interested in purchasing the products should contact the Channel Partner / Dealer for pricing, and as such the Channel Partner / Dealer may not actually advertise prices on the non-secured pages of any internet site. With this in mind, our customers can always email us, or call us at 706-896-0000 to request a quote.



Motorola Solutions MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE (MAP) POLICY for the Commercial Series Portfolio of Products


As per the MAP Agreement mentioned above, all Motorola Authorized Channel Partners are required to follow the guidelines in this MAP policy. All Motorola commercial series business radios fall under this policy which stipulates the minimum advertised price that may be shown on an internet site before an item is added to a shopping cart. Failure of a dealer to follow these guidelines can lead to severe penalties against the dealer up to and including the loss of ability to sell Motorola products.

However, this policy only stipulates the minimum price that can be advertised on all electronic and printed media. It does not restrict a dealer from selling a product at a price lower than that specified by the MAP guidelines. With this in mind, our customers can always email us, or call us at 706-896-0000 to request a quote.



The Following Radios are Covered Under the Motorola Solutions MAP Policy for the Commercial Series


Motorola Portable Two-Way Radios

SL300 Two-Way Radio

Motorola Mobile Two-Way Radios

CM Series



Both the INTERNET PRICE ADVERTISING (IPA) POLICY and MINIMUM ADVERTISED PRICE (MAP) POLICY do not apply to products that are considered “Not New.”


What is the definition of “Not New?” A Product is considered “Not New” if the equipment:

is acquired from existing customer installations, liquidations, bankruptcies, lease terminations or expirations and any other similar resources, as well as equipment that at any point in its lifecycle has been used by an End User or, used as demonstration equipment,


at any time it has been loaded with software, sold to, leased, rented, shipped to any party and then returned whether it was used or not.